Thank you for your interest in participating in the development of ASHRAE's Winter and Annual Conference by volunteering to review papers or be a session chair at a conference.

Use this form to 1) volunteer to review papers 2) volunteer to chair an existing paper session (organized by CEC) or 3) submit details of a proposed paper session.

Thank you from the Conferences and Expositions Committee (CEC), which oversees the development of the technical programs for winter, annual and topical conferences.

Contact Information

Please select your reason(s) for using this form:

Choose One

Peer Reviewers

Peer Reviewers:

Please select the paper type you’re interested in reviewing:

page research paper based on fundamental concepts and basic theory; double-blind review (authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other), rigorous review process (multiple revisions and rounds of review may be required); approved Technical Papers are published in ASHRAE Transactions.

page paper on current applications or procedures, reports on research in progress; single-blind review (authors names are included on the paper /reviewers remain anonymous to authors), papers are requested to be in final, ready to publish format.

page paper on current applications or procedures, reports on research in progress; single-blind review (authors names are included on the paper /reviewers remain anonymous to authors), papers are requested to be in final, ready to publish format.

Technical Area of Interest and Comments

Please use the space below to enter keywords associated with your technical area of expertise, select the Technical Committee(s) in which you are a member of or to input comments.

Volunteer Paper Session Chair


TC Sponsored Paper Session

Please select the paper session type:

Choose One

Additional Information:
Please use the space below to enter additional details about the proposed paper session. It is preferred that you enter the session title, session abstract, all paper titles in the order that they should appear in the Technical Program and list the presenting author. A staff member will contact you to confirm your submission.

Other: Non-TC Sponsored Paper Session

Please select the paper session type:

Choose One

Additional Information:
Please use the space below to enter additional details about the proposed paper session. It is preferred that you enter the session title, session abstract, all paper titles in the order that they should appear in the Technical Program and list the presenting author. A staff member will contact you to confirm your submission.

For additional information on conference programs please access or contact Haley Booker-Lauridson, Conference Programs Assistant, e-mail: