Members of ASHRAE committees and others can use this form to submit ideas for new publications or to give ASHRAE early notice of a prospective publication. Also use this form to request help with preparation of a publication.
ASHRAE's Publications Committee evaluates the suitability of proposed topics based on the value of a proposed publication to the membership, the size of the expected audience, and the potential to recover publishing costs through sales of the publication. Topics for special publications may originate from ASHRAE research projects, from unsolicited proposals, or by referrals from Publishing and Education Council. When reviewing unsolicited material, the committee maintains confidentiality regarding the material submitted, if requested.
Proposals must be submitted at least 60 days before an ASHRAE conference to be considered by the Publications Committee at that conference.
For each proposed publication, the committee requests that a cognizant ASHRAE Technical Committee (TC) agree to oversee production, review, and/or approval of the technical content. For publications originating from ASHRAE research projects, the technical committee responsible for managing the research project also manages the technical content.
Following review and approval of the final technical content by the cognizant committee, ASHRAE Special Publications staff edits and formats the manuscript for publication.
Expression of Interest or Intent to Prepare a Special Publication
Fields with a *** are required.
*** Submitted by: |
*** Proposed Title: |
Author(s): |
***Format of document (book, pamphlet, software, chart video, app, etc.): |
If a book, what type of book will it be? a) design guide, b) application guide, c) textbook, d) introduction for beginners, e) niche publication for specialized group, or f) other (please explain). |
Estimate its size and describe its complexity: |
*** What information or topics will this publication contain? Please provide detailed, chapter-by-chapter outline. |
Click "Choose File" below to upload supporting files if you have any.
Allow file types: ('txt','pdf','xls','xlsx', 'doc', 'docx', 'jpg', 'png', 'jpeg')
Do you intend to include any other materials with the publication, such as spreadsheets that do calculations, additional reading material not to be contained in the book, videos, etc? If so, please describe the additional materials. |
*** Do you intend for the book to include a glossary and/or an index? |
*** Why is this publication needed? |
*** Who is the potential audience? |
*** Are there similar books already on the market? If so, how would this one be different compared to its competitors? |
*** TC(s) willing to serve as cognizant committee(s):
TC(s) willing to serve as cognizant committee(s): (Please attach the text of an email in Word or the meeting minutes as proof of TC willingness.) |
Click "Choose File" below to upload supporting files if you have any.
Allow file types: ('txt','pdf','xls','xlsx', 'doc', 'docx', 'jpg', 'png', 'jpeg')
Other TCs or ASHRAE Committees that may be interested in this: |
Development/funding of this publication will be done (check all that apply):
As a volunteer effort requiring no additional funding.
By contract with author(s) in exchange for a royalty on sales.
Using funding from (complete all that apply):
ASHRAE Research (please provide project number, if available):
Other nonprofit association (please specify):
Trade association (please specify):
Commercial source(s) (please specify)
Government (please specify):
Other (please specify):
*** Estimated completion date: |
Do you need support from ASHRAE (e.g. writing, proofreading, editing, advice on formatting, suggested reviewers, research)? |
*** |
Please click here to confirm that you understand a) that the book must be published in dual units, b) that text from other sources must be cited appropriately (in the text and with full citations in the References section), c) that you must supply separate image files (jpg, tiff, eps, bmp) for all figures to be included in the book, and d) that you must obtain permission from copyright holders to reprint any images already published in print or online.
Contact information |
A copy of your submission will be sent to the email address you enter below. |
Who will be the primary contact? |
Name: |
Email address: |
Mailing address: |
City/State/Zip: |
Country: |
Phone: |
Fax: |